Sunday, May 1, 2011


I liked teh clocks on display in this particular shop and wanted to compose a shot here and was messing with my White balance. But before i could refine this shot I was interrupted by the mall staff not to take photographs. Next, time !!

Fish on display

I think the malls in Bengaluru has more variety than in other cities like Chennai or Hyderabad. This was a lone fish on display.


There a lot of other kinds of trees but which most fascinated me were these flowers and I could do a macro with the pink flower here, sorry I do not know what is called.


This weekend I went to Bengaluru(Bangalore). It is has fantastic climate even in mid-summer. I could not go around the city for a tour but just couple of visits to a friends college and there I found the garden, it was really amazing how many kinds of treet hey have and here a couple of Mango pics.